Pemberian Probiotik untuk Pasien Prediabetes – Telaah Jurnal Alomedika

Oleh :
dr.Eduward Thendiono, SpPD,FINASIM

Probiotics for Glycemic and Lipid Profile Control of the Pre‑diabetic Patients: A Randomized, Double‑blinded, Placebo‑controlled Clinical Trial Study

AkbariRad M, Shariatmaghani SS, Razavi BM, Majd HM, Shakhsemampour Z, Sarabi M, Jafari M, Azarkar S, Ghalibaf AM, Khorasani ZM. Probiotics for Glycemic and Lipid Profile Control of the Prediabetic Patients: A Randomized, Doubleblinded, Placebocontrolled Clinical Trial Study. Diabetol Metab Syndr. 2023 Apr 10;15(1):71. PMID: 37038214.

