Travel Medicine Symposium 2024 - Diskusi Dokter


We are delighted to invite you to participate in the *Travel Medicine Symposium 2024* on the occasion of 62nd BKFKWe’ll mastermind the topic of "From Bench...

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  • Travel Medicine Symposium 2024

    Dibalas 15 Februari 2024, 09:13
    dr. I Made Bayu Indratama, Sp.PD
    dr. I Made Bayu Indratama, Sp.PD
    Dokter Spesialis Penyakit Dalam

    We are delighted to invite you to participate in the *Travel Medicine Symposium 2024* on the occasion of 62nd BKFK

    We’ll mastermind the topic of "From Bench to Clinic: Integrating Travel Medicine in Daily Practice”

    The scientific meeting will be held on March 15th 2024

    At Dr. A. A. Made Djelantik Room, 4th floor, Medical Faculty Udayana University