The 10th Indonesia Pediatric Respirology Meeting - Diskusi Dokter


Alo Dokter! Izin share info simposium dan workshop terkait respirologi anak yaa. Terima kasih-----Dear colleagues,Pneumonia, asthma, and tuberculosis in...

Diskusi Dokter

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  • The 10th Indonesia Pediatric Respirology Meeting

    Dibuat 31 Mei 2024, 20:08

    Alo Dokter! Izin share info simposium dan workshop terkait respirologi anak yaa. Terima kasih


    Dear colleagues,

    Pneumonia, asthma, and tuberculosis in children are common diagnoses we make for patients with cough and shortness of breath. In reality, many other respiratory diseases or disorders in children with cough and shortness of breath may not have been previously considered.